Well I guess this is just for whatever. My writing and what-nots. Weirdness is a way of life. Without it, things would be boring.
These are all written by me, I was inspired by a very important and irreplaceable person in my life. I love you baby.
Poem #1
My heart beats frantically
When I picture his face
I see Galaxies through his eyes
Worlds, real and alive
All my insecurities melt away
As I get lost in his gaze
I find myself free of worry
I find I feel at home
When he holds me in his arms
I feel free
I feel Loved
I feel Needed
I feel
I just Feel
What more could I ask for
From someone so perfectly made for me
Old souls know old souls
But our souls know each other
Lost through time on our never ending Journeys
Randomly meeting in lifetimes here and there
Intimately intertwining, weaving in and out
Touching, caressing, loving, feeling
Our souls colliding on a stellar plane
Finding, Learning, Remembering
No longer feeling the pain of being alone
No longer alone through time
Galaxies Collide
Merging Systems together
Planets smashing into each other
Becoming one.
Beauty, destruction of old
Creation of something new
Something more real
More definitive than anything ever was
One completing the other
To make a whole
Galactic Singularity is what you are
Drawing my system of stars closer to you
Into you
Comets streaming through the skies
Invisible to the naked eye
As our bodies move closer together
Our masses start to grow
With feelings like Matter and Energy
Becoming one and the same.
Constantly changing, unaware of anything else
Time means nothing here.
Constellations move around us, changing positions in the skies
Nothing can touch us here
Nothing can tear us apart.
Poem #3
Storms raging
Fires blazing
Feelings growing
Souls knowing
Never ending
Mind bending
Waves thrashing
Lightning crashing
Thunder roaring
Rains pouring
Trees creaking
Spirits speaking
Rivers flowing
Sands blowing
Temperatures rising
Never compromising
Roads winding
Soul binding
Poem #4
Moving through time
Never knowing if or when
Our souls will meet again
One life to the next
we move with
Surrendering to Faith
Finally seeing ourselves
For what we truly are
Wanderers for Eternity
I'll find you gain
After we depart
I'll Pray
I'll Wish
I'll Follow
I'll Go
For you.......For you.
Poem #5
It means nothing here
When I'm lost in your eyes
Is minuscule
Compared to what I feel.
Is short.
It's not enough.
Even after time ceases to exist.
And the Earth is gone.
My Soul will still ache for you.
For your touch, for your presence.
I hold you now
I'll hold you forever.
Until I can hold you no more.
And in that moment
Everything will unravel.
All Time and Space
Will implode upon itself.