And now for some baby fun......
Well I guess this is just for whatever. My writing and what-nots. Weirdness is a way of life. Without it, things would be boring.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I think my brain is squirting out my ears.....
So.. I've been writing the last few days. Yesterday I stopped actually writing and started typing it all into word. My fingers feel like they are going to fall off and my brain hurts. It feels like someone has jabbed a 12 inch spiky thingy into it and jiggled it around for a good five minutes. I think I did pretty good typing some stuff up yesterday. I did almost 8,000 words yesterday while keeping an eye on the baby and doing lots of other things too. I know it doesn't sound like a lot to the seasoned writer but hey, I'm trying. And the good part about it all or bad part depending on how you look at it. I didn't even type half of what I actually have written. Yay for words...... anyways. I guess I can stop now.... so go read a book people.... They make you smart, for the most part anyways.
And now for some baby fun......

And now for some baby fun......
Thursday, February 26, 2009
First Blog.... woop
Ok so I have actually had this blog for a while. I just never posted anything. I really only used it to keep up with Jessica Verday Author of The Hollow. But then I was thinking to myself why not just actually use it instead of taking up webspace for nothing. Property on the net isnt cheep anymore and I got some free grade A property right here. ..... anyways. I wanted to use this first blog to say a little something about myself.. actually here are just some random facts that I posted on Myspace.
My name is Autumn
I live in Indiana.
I am a mom of a beautiful boy. He will be one next month.
I love to read, and paint and do anything crafty.
I'm writing a Vampire novel.
I love love love anything that has to do with Vampires.
I am over all an artist
Ive never swam in the ocean I have only seen it once when I was 4 and I don't remember it.
I'm a cancer
I love the moon
I hate cheese
I don't like chocolate very much unless its chocolate cake or chocolate
icing or brownies. otherwise I don't like candy bars except Reese
I like chocolate chip cookies with nacho cheese. which yes I know it contradicts my last two statements...
I'm obsessed with vanilla coke.
I love ghosts
I'm addicted to GHP and the Leaky Lounge (a Harry Potter forum)
I'm a poet.
I'm a mod on the book forum GHP. so come check it out.
I have almost 1000 pictures of Zeke on MySpace
I have lived in Mauldin South Carolina and London Kentucky as well as random towns here in Indiana.
I love spaghetti and lasagna
I love spooky stuff
My favorite color is ...well I don't really have one. it sorta changes with my moods I guess. but mainly I like black a lot.
My favorite cartoon character is Gir from Invader Zim.
I am in a relationship... have been for almost 6 years.
I was a wild child
I'm sort of a hermit, as in I find better company with myself and a book 6 times out of 10
My birthday is July 10, I was born on a Wednesday evening at 8:45 pm by c-section
I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters all between the ages of 25 and 4
I have 4 nephews 2 of them will be 5 this year and one is 1 and the youngest will be one in June.
I was the middle child of 3 until my dad got remarried and had more kids.
I love my family.
I have known my best friend for 13 years. and we have only ever fought once.
Halloween is my very most favorite Holiday.
I have made some very good long term friends in random places on the net, some of them extremely strange.
I was banned from ever getting back on the SciFi GH skiffy board
for yelling at karina kay....... but then again... who wasn't. :)
I use to work at Steak N Shake..... it was the best paying and
worse job I ever had. but I stayed for a year just because of the
I have brown hair (when it isn't dyed) and brown eyes (all the time, they don't change (; )
I love Dungeons and Dragons.
I'm a big dork
I love music. my favorite bands are Hanson and System of a Down... yes I know they are 100% different.
I try to model emphasis on the word try
I like to sing when I think no one can hear me.
I love watching cartoons. especially INVADER ZIM
I try to play the guitar even though I only know 1 song by Hanson and 2 I wrote myself, otherwise I'm hopeless.
I like the movies Grease and Dirty Dancing.
I was born almost 7 months after Rainbow Brite :)
..................................................AWWWWWW I WANTED TO EXPLODE.....................
My name is Autumn
I live in Indiana.
I am a mom of a beautiful boy. He will be one next month.
I love to read, and paint and do anything crafty.
I'm writing a Vampire novel.
I love love love anything that has to do with Vampires.
I am over all an artist
Ive never swam in the ocean I have only seen it once when I was 4 and I don't remember it.
I'm a cancer
I love the moon
I hate cheese
I don't like chocolate very much unless its chocolate cake or chocolate
icing or brownies. otherwise I don't like candy bars except Reese
I like chocolate chip cookies with nacho cheese. which yes I know it contradicts my last two statements...
I'm obsessed with vanilla coke.
I love ghosts
I'm addicted to GHP and the Leaky Lounge (a Harry Potter forum)
I'm a poet.
I'm a mod on the book forum GHP. so come check it out.
I have almost 1000 pictures of Zeke on MySpace
I have lived in Mauldin South Carolina and London Kentucky as well as random towns here in Indiana.
I love spaghetti and lasagna
I love spooky stuff
My favorite color is ...well I don't really have one. it sorta changes with my moods I guess. but mainly I like black a lot.
My favorite cartoon character is Gir from Invader Zim.
I am in a relationship... have been for almost 6 years.
I was a wild child
I'm sort of a hermit, as in I find better company with myself and a book 6 times out of 10
My birthday is July 10, I was born on a Wednesday evening at 8:45 pm by c-section
I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters all between the ages of 25 and 4
I have 4 nephews 2 of them will be 5 this year and one is 1 and the youngest will be one in June.
I was the middle child of 3 until my dad got remarried and had more kids.
I love my family.
I have known my best friend for 13 years. and we have only ever fought once.
Halloween is my very most favorite Holiday.
I have made some very good long term friends in random places on the net, some of them extremely strange.
I was banned from ever getting back on the SciFi GH skiffy board
for yelling at karina kay....... but then again... who wasn't. :)
I use to work at Steak N Shake..... it was the best paying and
worse job I ever had. but I stayed for a year just because of the
I have brown hair (when it isn't dyed) and brown eyes (all the time, they don't change (; )
I love Dungeons and Dragons.
I'm a big dork
I love music. my favorite bands are Hanson and System of a Down... yes I know they are 100% different.
I try to model emphasis on the word try
I like to sing when I think no one can hear me.
I love watching cartoons. especially INVADER ZIM
I try to play the guitar even though I only know 1 song by Hanson and 2 I wrote myself, otherwise I'm hopeless.
I like the movies Grease and Dirty Dancing.
I was born almost 7 months after Rainbow Brite :)
..................................................AWWWWWW I WANTED TO EXPLODE.....................
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