So I was sleeping a few hours ago and when I woke up I automatically started to think about the big scene in my book. Not THE big scene but the big scene that leads up to the big scene. you know when they first meet the somebody that starts all the trouble scene. yea...... anyways. I need to keep writing so I can hatch it out better. sometimes I wonder why I decided to write a book with the way that its going. And other times I think it may have been the best idea I've ever gotten. But then again. I guess the readers will decide that one. If I ever get published that is..... Otherwise it will just be my mom and a few friends deciding on whether it was a good or bad idea.
Anyways. The Zeke monsters day hasn't been going so great. He is still being klutzy. I cant help but laugh at him sometimes because he is so silly. When he was asleep about an hour ago I walked into the bedroom to grab something and he was just giggling away in his sleep. He laughed so loud he woke himself up for a second then he went back to sleep. I think I finally did the job of waking him up fully by laughing at him a little too loudly. I couldn't help it it was adorable!!!
Now for some baby fun. :)
hello, your baby is funnies,he..hee
hello.......a nice to visit your blog
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