Friday, February 27, 2009

I think my brain is squirting out my ears.....

So.. I've been writing the last few days. Yesterday I stopped actually writing and started typing it all into word. My fingers feel like they are going to fall off and my brain hurts. It feels like someone has jabbed a 12 inch spiky thingy into it and jiggled it around for a good five minutes. I think I did pretty good typing some stuff up yesterday. I did almost 8,000 words yesterday while keeping an eye on the baby and doing lots of other things too. I know it doesn't sound like a lot to the seasoned writer but hey, I'm trying. And the good part about it all or bad part depending on how you look at it. I didn't even type half of what I actually have written. Yay for words...... anyways. I guess I can stop now.... so go read a book people.... They make you smart, for the most part anyways.

And now for some baby fun......

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Blog.... woop

Ok so I have actually had this blog for a while. I just never posted anything. I really only used it to keep up with Jessica Verday Author of The Hollow. But then I was thinking to myself why not just actually use it instead of taking up webspace for nothing. Property on the net isnt cheep anymore and I got some free grade A property right here. ..... anyways. I wanted to use this first blog to say a little something about myself.. actually here are just some random facts that I posted on Myspace.

My name is Autumn

I live in Indiana.

I am a mom of a beautiful boy. He will be one next month.

I love to read, and paint and do anything crafty.

I'm writing a Vampire novel.

I love love love anything that has to do with Vampires.

I am over all an artist

Ive never swam in the ocean I have only seen it once when I was 4 and I don't remember it.

I'm a cancer

I love the moon

I hate cheese

I don't like chocolate very much unless its chocolate cake or chocolate
icing or brownies. otherwise I don't like candy bars except Reese

I like chocolate chip cookies with nacho cheese. which yes I know it contradicts my last two statements...

I'm obsessed with vanilla coke.

I love ghosts

I'm addicted to GHP and the Leaky Lounge (a Harry Potter forum)

I'm a poet.

I'm a mod on the book forum GHP. so come check it out.

I have almost 1000 pictures of Zeke on MySpace

I have lived in Mauldin South Carolina and London Kentucky as well as random towns here in Indiana.

I love spaghetti and lasagna

I love spooky stuff

My favorite color is ...well I don't really have one. it sorta changes with my moods I guess. but mainly I like black a lot.

My favorite cartoon character is Gir from Invader Zim.

I am in a relationship... have been for almost 6 years.

I was a wild child

I'm sort of a hermit, as in I find better company with myself and a book 6 times out of 10

My birthday is July 10, I was born on a Wednesday evening at 8:45 pm by c-section

I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters all between the ages of 25 and 4

I have 4 nephews 2 of them will be 5 this year and one is 1 and the youngest will be one in June.

I was the middle child of 3 until my dad got remarried and had more kids.

I love my family.

I have known my best friend for 13 years. and we have only ever fought once.

Halloween is my very most favorite Holiday.

I have made some very good long term friends in random places on the net, some of them extremely strange.

I was banned from ever getting back on the SciFi GH skiffy board
for yelling at karina kay....... but then again... who wasn't. :)

I use to work at Steak N Shake..... it was the best paying and
worse job I ever had. but I stayed for a year just because of the

I have brown hair (when it isn't dyed) and brown eyes (all the time, they don't change (; )

I love Dungeons and Dragons.

I'm a big dork

I love music. my favorite bands are Hanson and System of a Down... yes I know they are 100% different.

I try to model emphasis on the word try

I like to sing when I think no one can hear me.

I love watching cartoons. especially INVADER ZIM

I try to play the guitar even though I only know 1 song by Hanson and 2 I wrote myself, otherwise I'm hopeless.

I like the movies Grease and Dirty Dancing.

I was born almost 7 months after Rainbow Brite :)

..................................................AWWWWWW I WANTED TO EXPLODE.....................