Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Morning Madness

So, it's 3am on Monday morning. the weekend is gone and I'm up in the wee hours writing away. I should have started writing earlier in the evening but eh I just wanted to play on twitter and myspace. I multi-task way to much, and poorly at that. I get sidetracked way to easy. I started writing about 12:30 or 1ish. however Ive made pretty good progress over the last few hours. Roughly 500 words. I'm thinking about calling it a night and heading to bed.

The weekend was great, Friday well as you know I spent most of the day and evening writing. 2300 words is pretty good for one day I guess. Saturday evening I went to a comedy show that was cancelled due to the lack of attendance. Oh well there is always next time. ;) today has been rather uneventful though I did get to spend the early hours of the day and early part of the evening with the greatest man ever. (Also the same person I was with on Saturday, he's amazing and gives me inspiration to be creative.)

Other than that, my weekend has been pretty normal, lots of brainsorming and writing. I think this book might be done before the end of the fall, though If I keep writing at the rate I am, it might be done by the end of the summer. Wish me luck readers.


Time for some baby fun.

Friday, June 26, 2009

19343 / 90000 words. 21% done!

Yup new count. done for the night. 2294+ not bad for 1 day! Hoorah! *does the bootah dance.

Friday's Findings.

So, today is Friday... Yay for the weekend. This week I've not really been doing much. (Whats new) lol. I have been writing for the last few days. My new word count is currently at 17049 and climbing. Horrah! hope to be in the 20,ooo range by the end of the day.Wish me luck.

17049 / 90000 words. 19% done!

Now for Todays Findings. I found a nice new blog to follow. Check it out you'll like it.

Okay, thats enough for today.. back to writing. I'll check in later and let you know how it goes.


Now for some Baby Fun!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Progress from last Wednesdays WIP

well 3% is something. about 2000 words not bad for a few hours of writing and multitasking!

15783 / 90000 words. 18% done!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WIP Wednesday

So. Ive still not written on my book any. However that's going to change. Today I AM going to write some. I'm going to type up what I DO have written and let you know how much my nanometer changes. Things have just been kind of hectic lately. But I guess I should stop making excuses and just get on with it. anyways, here's my meter for right now. I'll post an update tonight or tomorrow.

13442 / 90000 words. 15% done!

Now for some baby fun.